Ukrainian academics looking for an opportunity to join NOVA University of Lisbon should follow these steps:
1. Get more information about NOVA University Lisbon
Obtain information about each School or Institute of the University, as well as NOVA’s Research Units. You can find detailed information about the research strategy of each unit as well as current projects and latest publication. You can also find the contacts of the researchers that integrate these units.
As an alternative, In NOVA Research Portal you can discover our Research Units, Researcher profiles and the science being developed at our University. We invite you to search by researcher name, research unit, concept or free-text to discover our community of researchers, get to know our research expertise and visualize our collaboration network.
2. Learn more about special support for the integration of Ukrainian Academics in Portugal.
Some organizations are focusing in helping Ukrainian Academics to find opportunities to in Academia.
The website Science for Ukraine is a platform that collects academic job offer all over Europe. NOVA University Lisbon publishes existing offers in this platform.
Additionally, the NGO Rapid Response Mechaninsm helps students and academics in Emergency Situations to continue their studies or work in the Academia. This organnization works in close collaboration with a pool of Higher Education Institutions to articulate an integrated response to the existing needs. You can fill in the Expression of Interest form as a starting point for your academic integration.
The Science4Refugees initiative and EURAXESS portal provide research refugee friendly internships, part-time and full-time jobs, access to an European Research Community, as well as a complete range of information and support services on working and living in Europe. Ukrainian researchers are eligible to benefit from the Science4Refugees initiative without the need of holding the refugee status.
The European Research Council (ERC) has appealed to its grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff, such as technician and lab managers, from Ukraine. The ERC has contacted all its 5,600 current grantees and is collecting information on possible job opportunities. This data will be compiled and progressively published on the ERC website and other channels. The initiative follows the ERC Scientific Council’s statement in support of Ukraine and its research community.
3. Coming to Portugal
In order to travel to Portugal, you can contact the Consular Emergency Office, by telephone: 217 929 714 or 961 706 472, or by e-mail: or in order to obtain more information on how to travel to Portugal.
4. Start learning Portuguese online
The open online language course “Portuguese as a Foreign Language (A1)” was created for the refugee community that is alredy in Portugal or that will come to Portugal. The programmes are taught by volunteer qualified portuguese teachers.
5. Special Temporary Protection
Special temporary protection must be requested from Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras. This can be requested at any time since February 24, 2022, either in person or online. You can access the online form through the Diplomatic Portal or using SEF’s online platform. Protection can be granted to nationals of Ukraine residing in Ukraine before February 24, 2022, as well as family members, in-laws, or spouses. During this process, the following documents are also issued: residence permit; Tax Identification Number; social security identification number, and user number of the National Health Service.
You can also contact the Portuguese Embassies in the countries bordering Ukraine, for more information:
Portuguese Embassy in Warsaw (Poland)
Phone: (+48 22) 511 10 11/10/12
Telephone (emergency): (+48) 781 159 430
Portuguese Embassy in Bucharest (Romania)
Phone: (+40) 212 304 118
Telephone (emergency): (+40) 746 22 44 55
E-mail: |
Portuguese Embassy in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Phone: (+421) 220 768 454
Portuguese Embassy in Budapest (Hungary)
Telephone (emergency): (+36) 306 019 706
General telephone: (+36) 12 017 616/7/8
E-mail: |