This is an open space where the members of NOVA community may share their thoughts, ideas and opinions about the dramatic situation in Ukraine.

Do you want to contribute? Please contact us.

This space respects all views but will not accept contributions that do not comply with the University’s core values of democracy, equality, peace and respect for human dignity. Opinion articles or other publications will not be accepted if they:

  • are written in upper case (capital letters);
  • contain racist, discriminatory or offensive contents of any nature against people and institutions;
  • configure any other type of crime in accordance with our country’s legislation;
  • reproduce articles published by other authors (plagiarism);
  • are not related to the blog’s theme;
  • contain links of any kind;
  • contain any type of advertising or merchandising material, personal or for the benefit of third parties

If these rules are not respected, the page coordinator reserves the right to refuse or delete the publication without prior notice.

The views and contents published in this area are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect NOVA’s point of view.